NASDAQ Stock Scan Signals

NASDAQ Stock Scan Signals

NASDAQ 2014 January Portfolio Performance – 20140115

Attention: For research and education purposes only, absolutely not an investment advice. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions.  Monthly Portfolio since 1-Jan-2014[New Fast Signals – Faster Entries, Better Prices, More Winners]   Up only portfolio: Profit US$929.70 (+6.62%) Down only portfolio: Profit US$188.70 (+3.37%) Total portfolio: Profit US$1,118.40 (+5.69%) 



NASDAQ 2014 January Portfolio Performance – 20140114

Attention: For research and education purposes only, absolutely not an investment advice. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions.  Monthly Portfolio since 1-Jan-2014[New Fast Signals – Faster Entries, Better Prices, More Winners]   Up only portfolio: Profit US$684.50 (+4.88%) Down only portfolio: Profit US$184.50 (+3.29%) Total portfolio: Profit US$869.00 (+4.42%) 

NASDAQ 2014 January Portfolio Performance – 20140113

Attention: For research and education purposes only, absolutely not an investment advice. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions.  Monthly portfolio since 1-Jan-2014  Up only portfolio: Loss US$23.50 (-0.86%) Down only portfolio: Profit US$49.10 (+1.15%) Total portfolio: Profit US$25.60 (+0.37%) 
