HKSE Ichimoku Stock Scanner Monthly Performance Analysis – 201406

No change was made to the scanner this month. Because of the shaky market, the performance of June was neutral. No red day was found. When compared with the up-profit and down-profit separately, one will find that indeed the up-profit was increased while the down-profit was decreased. However, the net effect is still on the profit side.

The candlestick-based scanning algorithm I mentioned last month is undergoing backtests. Apart from it, my long-short money management techniques will be added to the portfolio next month. The point is to double the entry position and then to close the first position when falling below (rising above) the T-Line, i.e., the short. The remaining position is simply “let it go” until falling below (rising above) the PLA. This new forward test portfolio will be on a new series of blogposts. Stay tuned.

Happy Trading!

