

一目均衡表の研究 [単行本]

一目均衡表の研究 [単行本]

It is an excellent book in Japanese on Ichimoku Cloud. It covers the three great theories of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, namely the time theory, the wave theory, and the price projection theory. A great number of charts and examples are used to clearly explain the concepts. You should read it […]

Chart Reading of HKSE Stock Scanner Result – 20140120

Attention: For research and education purposes only, absolutely not an investment advice. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions. All the charts presented here are produced by MultiCharts64.At times, I present a series of bar charts to share my technical analysis approach with you. Here are the charts of […]


Performance Portfolio Chinese Explanation

Performance Portfolio Chinese Explanation

免責聲明:只供金融技術分析的學術交流及研究之用,此處並不提供任何型式的投資意見(包括明示和暗示),讀者必須為自身的所有投資決定負責(包括理性及非理性),如欲查詢任何投資意見,請與閣下之持牌投資顧問聯絡。其實個Excel表是每個月份由第一個交易日開始將所有合符Ichimoku Stock Scanner條件及訊號的股票記錄,當中亦把發出訊號時的時間及價位列出,以計算其建立倉位金額,之後在每個交易日收市後,把每隻股票的最後市價用來計算盈虧。那些表也取代了之前的股票入市訊號表。操作的市場暫時有港交所、紐約交易所、納斯達克交易所、美國交易所內掛牌的股票(沒有權証、ETF、牛熊等等)。日後將陸續加入各外匯對。由於現時所採用的國外data feed provider在數據更新方面有些限制,尤其是港股,因此港股的performance portfolio更新會有些斷續。現正洽商本地的data feed provider提供港股數據,成事後自然可以日日有訊號。注意:Ichimoku Stock Scanner並不適合期貨以及期權操作。針對其市場特性有另外的操作方法,現正在開發及測試中。簡單來說,操盤的規則是以買入或沽出一手為單位,玩Swing Trade的,用日線圖玩,第一個基本週期為8個交易日(此為本門重要心法),如未觸發止損價位則繼續持有,並上推止損價位,以後依每個基本週期重覆操作,直至觸發止損(到時應該相等於止賺)為止。這是懶人用的操作方法,尚有其他高階技巧,例如偷步出入市、特殊轉向、配合重要支持阻力位等等,以利提升表現。止損是5%,即是話當最後金額比建倉金額下跌5%或以上時便平倉,而平倉日期亦會填入,所以止損交易便是Profit / Loss是紅色的以及有平倉日期。


“把傳統K線丟掉:價格的終極趨勢” is the only Chinese book on Heikin Ashi as at the time of writing. The author also writes books on Ichimoku Kinko Hyo such as “一目均衡表:Ichimoku Kinko Hyo” and “交易,趨勢雲“. Heikin Ashi is a modified version of the old-school Japanese candlestick but it does provide a very clear picture […]




“交易,趨勢雲” is a Chinese book on the trading system with Ichimoku Kinko Hyo and Heikin Ashi as its core components. The author is a Taiwan fund manager having been using these indicators for 20 years or so. The most interesting point of the book is that he walks through several […]

一目均衡表:Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

“一目均衡表:Ichimoku Kinko Hyo” is a Chinese book written by a Taiwan fund manager. This is a revised edition of his original out-of-print book published in 2007. He introduces and explains Ichimoku Kinko Hyo with examples in Taiwanese and US stock markets. A good book on the subject.

一目均衡表:Ichimoku Kinko Hyo

FX 常勝の平均足 ブレイクトレード

FX 常勝の平均足 ブレイクトレード

The advanced edition of its basic counterpart, FX 常勝の平均足トレード. It extends the application of Heikin Ashi with parabolic-SAR and Bollinger Bands, respectively. If you have read the basic edition, this advanced edition is definitely an extended reading. Highly recommended.

FX 常勝の平均足トレード

The book is not about Ichimoku Cloud. It introduces another seldom-known Japanese technical analysis technique, Heikin Ashi (平均足), that is different from the old-aged candlestick (陰線陽線 / 陰陽燭). In fact, Heikin Ashi is a very powerful technique to help you spot the current trend and the reversal points. When combined […]

FX常勝の平均足トレード [新書]

FXチャート分析 マスターブック FX 一目均衡表売買シグナル (FXチャート分析マスターブック) [単行本]

FX チャート分析 マスターブック FX 一目均衡表売買シグナル

It is a very new book just published last December (December 2013). It is simpler than the “Textbook”, FX 一目均衡表ベーシックマスターブック; however, it does provide several very unique trading signals which can be used right after reading the book. Highly recommended.

FX 一目均衡表ベーシックマスターブック [単行本(ソフトカバー)]

FX 一目均衡表ベーシックマスターブック [単行本(ソフトカバー)]

In my humble option, this is the best book available in Japanese solely on Ichimoku Cloud. It details all the basics with a great number of charts and examples. You should read it if you want to have a hardcore understanding of the Ichimoku concepts. A must-have for every Ichimoku […]