Daily Archives: June 3, 2014


HKSE 2014 June Portfolio Performance – 20140603

Attention: For research and education purposes only, absolutely not an investment advice. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions.  Monthly Portfolio since 1-Jun-2014  Up only portfolio: Profit HK$55,567.00 (+26.69%) Down only portfolio: Profit HK$14,183.52 (+12.07%) Total portfolio: Profit HK$69,750.52 (+21.42%)

HKSE Ichimoku Stock Scanner Monthly Performance Analysis – 201405

A slight change is made to the scanner to reduce the number of trades as well as increase higher profitable stocks. The performance of May was not bad really. No red day was found. The major contributor was 2312.HK which had been up about 4 times in stock price. The […]
